On the fourth day of Kingdoms, LEGO gave to me…

Day Four: Dragon Knight with Ball and Chain

7952 - 2010 Kingdoms Advent Calendar - Day 4 - Dragon Knight

Day four, and we get a mini-figure. Ah, predictible LEGO sub-themes, how I love you.

Today we have an opponent for our Blacksmith – a Dragon Knight.  Now, I call him “Dragon Knight” because he’s in the same armor that the other knights in the Dragon army have worn. But, strangely, he’s missing the dark-green plume and other Dragon-emblazoned accessories that would let me label him for sure.

Maybe those missing accouterments will show up over the next two days.  Let’s just hope they go easy on the weapons – this guy already has his hands full.

7952 - 2010 Kingdoms Advent Calendar - Day 4 - Dragon Knight - Unmasked

Even without his helmet reveals a somewhat older knight….wait a moment! That’s the OLD BLACKSMITH from the Market Village! He’s come to take his revenge on the younger Blacksmith from the Advent Calendar!

Oh noes!