The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Z Fighter

Class of BootlegClass 2 - Duplicated and Modified
Class Notes:Original Molds, New Package Art, New line name
Bootleg Source:Dragonball-Z figures. (Not Released in the US)
Bootleg Rating:StarStarStar (Three out of five stars)
Vintage:Spring 1997

This is another one of those bootlegs where I don't have any real knowledge of the line being Bootlegged. These figures come from the Dragonball Z universe, and are apparently bootlegs of a Non-US Bandai offering.


The logo is pretty cool, though!

Product Shot

For comparison, here's a shot of the back of the card. It shows the real figures, in a group-photo lifted (probably) from the licensed verison.


Here's a larger view of the Bootleg version for you to look at.

Bootleg HeadReal Head

Last, take a close look at the diffence in a real toy versus a bootleg. The figure on the left looks a lot more like a Conehead-Fighter than a Dragonball-Z warrior, no?

Overall, I don't know WHAT to say about this line....since the "real" version isn't out in the US for comparision, this might be the only way for a lot of people to get this version of the Dragonball figures.

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