Star Wars

Aliens Fighter

Aliens who fight other Aliens, I guess.
Class of Bootleg Class 3 - Concept Bootleg
Class Notes: Possible Class Two, however the mold appears to be original, if highly detailed.
Bootleg Source: Star Wars X-Wing Vehicle
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStar (Four out of five stars)
Vintage:Fall, 1998

Alien Fighter This is very obviously an X-Wing Starfighter from the Star Wars universe. Sure, there are some differences between this and any known Kenner mold, but the resemblance is unmistakable. The wings open up and lock in “attack position” just like the ones in Star Wars. The shape and styling are the same.

Multiple colors of Aliens Fighter have been reported:

Green Black
Grey Very Dark Grey
Red Metallic Blue

Of these, the grey one exactly matches the color scheme of the Star Wars vehicle.

That's not to say that the Bootleggers didn't make some changes and mistakes. For starters, notice the engines....they're pointing backwards! This is because the entire wing assembly has, in fact, been attached pointing the wrong way. This isn’t as noticeable at first, as the four wing guns have been glued facing front.

Alien Fighter
Next, if we take a look at the undercarriage of the craft (see photo at right), you'll notice that this particular X-Wing has the option package that the Rebel Alliance couldn't afford to spring for in the films. Namely Mag wheels! The wheels are part of the Aliens Fighter's cool action feature...a friction-driven motor! Just pull back on the fighter and release and it'll rocket across the room in a fairly straight path.

Alien Fighter Wheels Also notice the sticker applied on the underside of the fuselage. It reads:

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts Not for children under 3 years.

The warning is glued to the toy itself since this particular bootleg was sold without any additional packaging.

But let's not forget the cool focus of this toy. Remember this is an Aliens Fighter. When we take a peek into the cockpit, you'll see that this X-Wing is piloted by an alien from Close Encounters! Unfortunately the cockpit is glued shut, so the pilot is not removable for extra-vehicular activities. The color of the alien matches the color of the vehicle, resulting in some odd looking creatures.

In the picture below, also note the cool title running along the side of the ship. The text appears on both sides, and reads correctly on both faces. Again, the lack of additional packaging creates the need to advertise the line on the toy itself.

Alien Fighter Pilot

The Aliens Fighter is one of the better Class Three X-Wing knock-offs out there. The likeness is dead on, and there are enough goofy additions to make the toy fun outside of the Star Wars context.

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