The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Rubber Superman

Class of Bootleg Class 3 - Concept Bootleg
Class Notes: Icky!
Bootleg Source: Superman character
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStarStar (Five out of five stars)

Boy, what can I say about this bootleg?

Let's start off with a picture of it.

Rubber Nastyness
That's Rubber Superman. He's about six inches tall, and made of a very flexable rubber.

And boy, is he creepy looking.

Let's take a closer look at his face...

Hi There

Note the terrible complexion. Note the large, white eyes with black dot pupils. Note the jet black, yet poorly masked, hair.

A face from the shores of nightmare, to be sure.

Now, let's take a closer look at his "S".

Super Bad S

Note the orange background, the odd way the cape is shown to fit UNDER the emblem, and the super-thick sculpting for the entire dodad.

Finally, let's take a look at the most frightening feature of this bootleg...

Detail of hanger

Drilled through the figure's back is a length of springy cord. It's designed so you can hold the loop of cord and have Superman bounce up and down. Until you get motion sickness.

This bootleg came without packaging, without a line name, without any sort of child-safety warnings. His only marking is a faint "Made In China" in the middle of his back. The painting is atrocious and doesn't seem to follow any sort of plan...look at the way the red for the "cape" stretches up onto the arms in the figure above.

It's been remarked that the sculpting for this figure is very similar to an early version of Batman - the ribbed cape, the design of the belt. It's quite possible that there was a Batman version of this bootleg that was re-tooled into Superman. Maybe that's why he's so crappy looking.

Anyway, this bootleg is one of my favorites. It's grotesque, easily recognizable for a bootleg, and fun to hang from your rear-view mirror.

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