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The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Super Transformers

Class of Bootleg Class 2 - Duplicated and Modified
Class Notes: Duplicated (and combined) molds, Modified line name, copyrighted images
Bootleg Source: Mach Lander from Takara's 1992 Brave robot toyline
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStar (Four out of five stars)

Super Transformers. The name screams "Bootleg". But is the toy just one of the countless thousands of generic car-to-robot toys out there?

Here's the toy as it comes packaged. There are two versions - one transformed and one in car mode. Both come on a single sided backer.

Robot ModeCar Mode

The card art isn't really any help either - it appears to be brand new and reasonably amature-ish in comarison to Kenner's Transformer efforts.

Detail of card art

If it were just up to me, I'd claim he was a generic Class Two (due to line name infringement) and move on to other things. But, thanks to Bootleg Correspondant Jeff of the Dangerous Toys Mailing list, we have an exact ID on this guy.

Jeff writes:

The yellow robot is Mach Lander from Takara's 1992 Brave robot toyline "Brave of Legend, Dagarn" in Japan. He combines with Big Lander (a truck/robot), Turbo Lander (a red car/robot), and Drill Lander (a drill tank/robot) to form the robot Land Bison.

Here's a pic of that set:

Land Bison Set
(Picture source:

Thanks, Jeff! It's good to know that the bootlegger's didn't show an ounce of orignality in this knock-off!

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