The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Transformer Combat Troop

Class of Bootleg Class 2 - Duplicated and Modified
Class Notes: Duplicated (and combined) molds, Modified line name, copyrighted images
Bootleg Source: Transformer and Voltron properties
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStar (Four out of five stars)

Card Detail When bootlegging a transforming toy, it seems that most bootleggers keep a couple of rules of thumb in mind.

Well, this bootleg, Transformer Combat Troop, falls right into line. As you can see in the image at left, it's not just a Transformer rip off - it's now been cross-bred with Voltron.

The figure comes on a single sided backer which measures roughly 12.5"x10". It is form-fitting-blistered to the card, and the plastic used for the blister is cheap and flimsy.

The card art is all new, but filled with drawings of "typical" anime style robots.

There is no manufacturer info, but hidden behind the figure is a small disclaimer:

Specifications, Colors, & Contents may vary from illustrations..

Other Combat Troops Translated, this means that they reserve the right to put Batman toys on this card at a later date.

There are also three small photographs mixed in on the card art. At right is a detail of two of them (from the right hand side of the backboard.)

It shows six of the nine figures in this set - the assumed nine figure set, anyway. Only three of the toys have been documented to exist so far.

The Voltron Hybrid (see below for review) is on the far right of the top photo (Stock #8804), although the colors are very different.

Another toy in this set, this time based on the Transformers Gen II figure Blast-Off (bottom photo, far left) can be found at The Undiscovered Playthings.

I can only assume that this product shot was generated "in house" at Bootleg Studios. It's odd that the toy for stock #8802 isn't shown in robot mode, like the other toys in this set. (top photo, middle). The photo here has been significantly enlarged from the backer - the real photo is very tiny and blurry. It's a shame, really, because it would have been nice to see the "bootleg prototypes" of the rest of this set.

Voltron/Transformer Hybrid

Of the known robots in this set, my favorite has to be the one reviewed here. Not content to just bootleg a Decepticon Jet, this toy is gene-spliced with Voltron to create a very odd looking toy.

First, let's take a closer look at the Jet-Form.

Jet Mode
Decepticon Logo on Wing The first thing I noticed when I pulled this toy from the package was the incredibly cheap and lightweight plastic it is made from. The second thing I noticed were the stickers that aren't visible while the figure is packaged - namely the USA, F-18, and American Flags decorating the tail of the jet. Pretty patriotic for a toy supposedly made in China, no?

The Decepticon logos (detailed at left) appear on both the top and bottom of each wing. They are part of the sticker that covers the wing, as opposed to being a last minute addition.

It should also be mentioned that the stickers have been applied really poorly - the American flags in particular are both about 1/2 off the plastic of the tail.

Lion Foot At right is a detail of the feet of this Combat Trooper. As you can see, it is based on the lion-feet of Voltron. Interestingly, two different molds were used - one for each foot - and appear to be the correct detailing for the yellow and green lions that form the legal Voltron's feet. Both are painted red in the bootleg version, however.

The bootleg's hands are not lions. They're just pain green fists.

This toy does come with Voltron's sword. You can see it in the bubble in the top photo. Also, the chest of the figure is covered with a sticker that is a fair approximation of Voltron logo.

The only other bit of Voltron styling is the figure's head. Bolted to the transformer body is a head lifted from some other nameless bootleg - the scale is really off.

The best (or worst, depending on your point of view) feature of the head is the befatic red smile. It's painted right under the carving done for Voltron's mouth - so if you look really close it appears that maybe it's a mangled red goatee or something.

Happy-Go-Lucky Voltron

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