The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Telebabies

Class of Bootleg Class 3 - Concept Bootleg
Class Notes: May be modifications of legal Teletubbies Merchandise, and the name is Very close.
Bootleg Source: Teletubbies Characters and designs
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStarStar (Five out of five stars)
Sightings:Austraila, California
Vintage:1998, 1999

Like Pokemon, He-Man, Power Rangers, and Batman, one of the more prevalent bootlegs out there are the Teletubbies. They reached their peak of popularity in the US in late 1998, but you can still find bootlegs of them from time to time.

This set of Telebabies came to me from a friend in Australia, but it's been found Stateside as well.

The figures come on single sided backers, and each figure stands about 3" tall.

The logo isn't a direct copy, but the four befatic children, the happy sun, and the eerie semi-alien costumes are pure Teletubbie material.

Here are the three sets I've obtained:

Version 1 Version 2 Version 3

Here's a detail of the stock numer on the lower left corner of the backboard:

No. 323/4

That's No. 323/4, if you can't quite make it out. The "/4" usually means that there are four versions of stock number 323. And I only have three. So there may be a fourth one out there. (Joe Medrano has a photo of an alternate color scheme for set #3 at his excellent site Undiscovered Playthings. That may be it, if there are no more "head versions").

Let's take a closer look at the three pictured above.

Lookalikes Set #1:
The Duplicates


This first set is nothing special - but it does contain figures that are pretty much exact duplicates of the Teletubbies. Note the correct antanae-thingies on their heads, as well as the correct color scheme.

Lettered Set #2:
The Letterheads


Next up, we have this odd twist. Instead of the abstract art, these Telebabies have letters attached to their craniums.

From left to right, we have D for Dipsy, T for Tinky-Winky, L for LaLa and P for Po.

Set #3:
The Village People


That's the only clue I'm going to give you. Just take a good look at the photo.


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