The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line Uncanny Super Warrior

Class of Bootleg Class 2 - Duplicated and Modified
Class Notes: Figures all new, package logo copied from ToyBiz line, concepts from Marvel Comics
Bootleg Source: ToyBiz X-Men figures
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStarStar (Four out of five stars)
Sightings: Oklahoma
Vintage:Fall 1997

While shopping in Oklahoma City recently I stopped in at a low-end thrift store. Racks and racks of cheezy toys were there....along with the following gem: The Uncanny Super-Warrior Bootlegs!

These little plastic monstrosities are kind of like a round two to the X-Team bootlegs described elsewhere at this site - knock-offs of Toy Biz's X-Men property. These bootlegs are even more cheaply made, however. There are two body styles (described below), each figure differing in only the head attached and the paint scheme. Each figure has two versions - one with a sword and one with a pistol.

There are six figures in the set:

  • Wolverine (Maskless in Black and silver)
  • Wolverine (Masked in yellow outfit)
  • Forge
  • Magneto
  • Mister Sinister
  • Sabertooth
Before we begin a closer look at each figure, lets do a quick overview of the package design.

Warrior Packaging

Each figure comes on a standar backboard as shown here. On a purple field are the words "The Uncanny Super-Warrior" along with a picture of Magneto lifted from the first series of X-Men figures. (For those of you who don't know, the USW logo matches The Uncanny X-Men logo in shape and font.) The back of the card is plain cardboard

Each figure comes blistered to the card. There are two blister designs - one to hold the pistol and one to hold the sword.

There is a major variation on the packaging as well. Jen and Bill Nolan ( were kind enough to send me a JPEG of it. I recently found a one myself at Toy Liquidators (a division of KB Toys!) in Stroud, Oklahoma.

Uncanny Master
As you can see, there is a matching line of Uncanny Master toys out there as well!

Wolverine 1
This first Super-Warrior is Wolverine. He's based off of the Third Wolverine released by Toy Biz...maskless and in a black outfit. Note how the head has been retooled to make Wolvie look a bit more Asian....esp. around the eyes.

Wolverine 2
This is Wolverine in his more popular outfit.


And where would Wolverine be without his arch-nemisis Sabertooth?


This marks (to my knowledge) the first time Forge has been released as a bootleg! It's almost a shame he doesn't have a holster for us to obcess about!

Now, we know that the bootleggers knew what Magneto looked like. Heck....he's the only character on the package! But they still managed to make him look really goofy. Note the shiny silver skin! Also note the bat-fringe on the vinyl cape. What a loser!

Mr. Sinister
The Mr. Sinister Bootleg shown here also has some problems. He too has the bat-fringe on his cape, and his head has come a long way from the lean features prortrayed by Marvel Comics.
Overall, this is a nice little set of bootlegs. Not as "correct" as the X-Teams, but more creative in their packaging and original detail. If nothing else, they were certainly worht the price of admission for me!

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