The DOT in
The Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin LineThe Thin Line X-Force

Class of Bootleg Class 1 - Exact Duplicate
Class Notes: Slight backboard modifications
Bootleg Source: Toybiz X-Men/X-Force toys
Bootleg Rating: StarStarStar (Three out of five stars)

Full Card This is another one of those bootlegs that if you don't know exactly what to look for, you're going to think it's a real release.

At right we have what appears to be a legit X-Men: X-Force toy from Toybiz. The card is bright, the printing is high-quality, and the bubble has the correct shape size, and feel, even down to the embossed X-pattern on the front of the bubble.

But, if you know your X-Force toys, you're going to notice one or two changes.

For starters, the card is just a touch smaller than the legal releases. And all of the ToyBiz logos and copyrights have been removed.

Also, the J-Hook style hanger has been replaced with a simple punch-out.

Back of Card

Moving to the back of the card (Shown at left), there are some more changes that, while looking entirely proper, aren't exactly what was sold at Wal-Mart.

For starters, the backboard has been changed from a unique backer for each character to a style that has all the figures in the assortment shown.

At this point the warning bells should be going off...all of them screaming:


There are five figures in this set, although there were six figures in the orginal ToyBiz assortment. They are:

The missing sixth figure is Mojo. I guess it's possible that he was made as well, but he would require both a larger blister and a lot more plastic than the other figures in the set, so I doubt he made the transition to knock-off.

Below is a detail of one of the bio-cards from the back of the bootleg packaging. Two of the bios, Mojo and Commando, were re-typed to fit the unified design of the packaging. This resulted in some very odd spelling, as seen here.

Detail of Commando Bio

Notice in particular bat-tled and govern-ment-sanctioned. Either the typist didn't know english very well, or the bootleggers had gotten hold of the orignal digital art files for the backers and didn't bother to proof the text when they resized it.

Here are closer looks at five of the six figures in this set. (Assuming Mojo exists, that is.)

All figures come with the correct accessories.

Exodus Cable
Black Tom Commando

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