Pigs on the Wing: Class Three Entry Grid

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Entry #11
By: Lich Barrister

White Vs. Blue

The cat would like to think that this is simply another case of being pulled over for "driving while cat" by an over-zealous K-9, but the pimped out rifles on the grills have made the K-9 suspect that exhaust ignition mods may well be found on this Snowy Ermine, too.
Yep, the special interface attachment for the dog is a classic Lego sword. (Hence, the cyborg dog description - it's like jacking a dog into the matrix, only with rockets.)

Larger Photo

Entry #12
By: Ean H.

Race-o-Rama AF2137--Interspecies Division

Racers, patrons, and Illumidors from across the galactic taxonomy gather for a racer-crashing, Illumidor-bashing good time. FYI, there is a 3900 under the 2 x 2 dish on the Hello Kitty racer, and the bluish blobs are Bionicle shadow leeches, which are in tanks owing to their habit of disintergating upon exposure to oxygen.

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Entry #13
By: Ebil

MeerWolf Racer: Devil's turn MOC

On the desolate planet of Kan-28, cave racing is very popular among the MeerWolves.  The Devil's turn is a 90 degree turn inside a narrow cavern.  As you can tell by all the skellies, many humans have tried and failed to turn.


Entry #14
By: Rook

At the Races
Description: Who go watch animals on cave racers? Well, animals of course.
Gallery Link:

Entry #15
By: Samus


Based off the Meatloaf album "Bat out of Hell."
A chicken bursting out of the slaughter house.

gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=322349

Entry #16
By: Spitfire


all seemed well for Artemis, he had completed 48 laps, and was almost finished. all of a sudden, the police sprung out and busted him. he was sent to jail and got out three months later only to die when a boot swooped down and crushed him.

before the race could be finished, police came and busted up the crews
and shot two comentaters during the forty-seventh lap. the racers
came back around only to see police. some tried to turn around, but
they crashed, while others just tried to keep going. in the end, they
all got BUSTED!

Link: http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/60349

Entry #17
By: LuxorV

Polar Cave

Who will win the race: the Arctic Racer or the Antarctic Racer?

Gallery : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=323814


Entry #18
By: LuxorV

Rat Race

You don't want to know what happens down there!

Gallery : http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=324357

Entry #19
By: George Fox

...And Monkeys Might Fly Out Of My Butt

Description: I'm so sorry.


Forget about work. This is a very NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN EYES entry. I had to host this for George as Brickshelf certainly wouldn't. DO NOT CLICK unless you're old enough to know better, or have parental permission. And don't say I didn't warn you. This is HORRIFYING AND WRONG .

The photos are here.


Entry #20
By: HotDogMan

World Destruction

This is worse than crossing paths with a black cat whilst walking underneath a ladder, sprinkling salt on the ground and grasping a broken mirror on Friday the thirteenth.

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