Today in Advent Wars: Violence.

Turn 14


Player O continues to expand her forces – this time it’s a woman with a loaf of french bread.

Properly Armed

“Bread is a good weapon, but she needs a sword, too.”

CraneCat Shopping Spree

While Frosty continues to be…frosty…CraneCat loads another box onto the lift arm.

Waiting Game

The crowd reaches the back door of the Emporium.

Beep Beep, I say!

The Robot Firetruck races forward at a blistering 1/2 move a turn.

Prepare to attack!

Time for an airstrike! Player O’s remote controlled plane has reached Player B’s forces.


A bomb is dropped…and a roll of 6 knocks out MaceMan!

Walking is for wimps

BreadWoman heads for the Potter-Porter. Her chosen destination is the first floor of the Emporium. On a roll of 1-3 she’ll make it…on a 4-6 Player B will choose her destination.


A roll of 2 lands BreadWoman right where she wants to be.

Oh, great.

Meanwhile, over on Player B’s side of the table…
“Oh great, another weapon rack.”

Maybe not so bad after all.

“Wait! It’s the sword in the stone!”

Dropping off the loot

The Queen unloads her cart – Player B now has three looted items in her base.  Blackie heads over to MaceMan to try and revive him, but grabs his fallen hat instead.  The Prince moves up one and the Frog and CHAOS PIG stay in place.

Resting in Peace

Skelly moves forward one, despite not being able to stand up for some reason.

At the end of Turn 14 Player B has the lead in items…but will she be able to hold on to that lead for long?

Player O Player B
Items At Base Nothing Blue Pants, Blue Bottle, Blue Hat