Full scale looting now in progress.

Turn Fifteen

Player O raids the Calendar yet again

Turn 15 starts with….patio furniture.

“This won’t do. Robot time.”

PatioBot On the Move

“I’ve given the Patio-Bot a wig, because he’s vain.”

Stuff up for grabs

BreadBabe heads to the second floor

CraneCat: full up

CraneCat takes the last item off the display…

Pick your favorite!

…and heads outside.

Multiple Targets

Time to offload. Tommy and the Dog each take an item from CraneCat’s stash. Off in the distance the FireBot moves towards the Emporium.


The plane makes another bombing run…


A roll of 6 takes out the closely grouped MaceMan and Blackie!

Great. More stuff.

Player B is using her “More Armor and Weapons” set to build a stronghold for her loot.


“Now you have to break through this before you can take anything from me. Nyah!”


Attempting to HEROICALLY REVIVE, Player B unfortunately rolls a six – a failure! Blackie is DEAD!

“Is he…dead forever?”
“You could try and HEROICALLY ZOMBIFY him next turn. But he’d still be missing his head.”


Shelly takes the hat, the Prince moves up, the frog heads for Skelly. It’s mass Chaos!

Hunter tries to help

Once again Hunter the cat tries to offer Player B advice. Is she listening?


And finally, CHAOS PIG charges forward another 1/2.

What effect will the PIG have on the next turn? Probably nothing. But tune in anyway.

TURN 15 Player O Player B
Items At Base Nothing Blue Pants, Blue Bottle, Blue Hat