Turn 6

Both Player O and Player B have reached the Grand Emporium. Their Heroes, Frosty and Blackie, are facing off on the first floor. But before we get to the first fight of the season, we have to get today’s Calendar Offering.

More Population for the CITY

Player O gets another mini-figure – a girl this time – and a cat.

Cat on a Crane

“A Cat! What’s his movement like?”
“He can move half a stick a turn.”
“Can he drive the crane?”
“Uh. Sure. That would let them move a full stick each turn.”


“Sweet. Off he goes.”

Little Drummer Girl

“What about the girl?”
“She’s getting on the drum set. What’s her movement?”
“No wheels, so she could push it half a stick each turn.”
“Okay. She’ll stay at base this round.”

"What's going on in there?"

“What about Tommy?”
“He’s still standing by.”

When Frosty met Blackie

It was now time for Frosty to make his attacks.

Player B: “Are you going to hit me in the head with your broom?”
Player O: “No….SWEEP ATTACK!”

Blackie would be knocked out on a roll of 5-6. Player O rolls a 3

“DRAT! Okay, I’m trying a HEROIC FEAT! I freeze Blackie to the floor!”

Heroic feats work a on roll of 1-5….and Player O rolls a 5! Blackie is now immobilized!

Player B seeks reinforcements

Hoping to find reinforcements, Player B opens up her Calendar Door.

What good is this?

But it’s just some armor. And there’s no one at base to wear it.


The Knight continues his rush for the front door. He’s nearly there!

“So Blackie is out of the game?”
“No, he’s just frozen.”
“Roll for it.”

A roll of 1 sets Blackie free.

Blackie and Player B can seek their revenge next turn. Assuming Player O gives them the chance…