The crowds converge on the Emporium…

Turn 8

The Calendar is starting to look a bit used

Player O’s Calendar Set is a dog, hot dogs, and food bowl. Not exactly the most useful items.

Hot Doggin'

“Dogs are fast. Can this one move a full length?”
“Nice try. No. 1/2 move for animals.”

Movement Begins

The Drummer Girl and the dog both move up their 1/2 lengths.

CatCrane Keeps on Trucking. On a Crane.

The CraneCat nearly reaches the back door…


…where Tommy is still just standing guard.

These floors are sticky.

Inside, Frosty uses his HEROIC FREEZE to once again put the kibosh on Blackie’s turn.

Second Floor: Housewares

Using his movement and normal action, Frosty takes the escalator up to the second floor.

A Game of Thrones

Player B finds a throne behind door eight.

Almost a town set!

“It looks like I’ve got a full Smithy over here.”

MaceMan in the

A roll of three HEROICALLY UNFREEZES Blackie. He moves to a different position on the first floor so MaceMan can enter the building.

Just you wait.

The Queen’s movement forward ends Player B’s round, and turn 8.

The player’s seem to haveĀ  forgotten their real mission: To loot the Emporium. They get back on track next turn.