XIII - Death


A card of Ending, Transition, Elimination, and Inexorable Forces

Author Commentary:

Ah, the Death Card. The card that is always used on TV to shock one character into saying something like "Oh Noes, I'm gonna die!" so that the fortune teller stereotype can do some reassuring speech about "No, no, it just means change."

Of course, I went ahead and used the grim imagery of a skeleton anyway. Why muck with the classics?

I think this card really does improve over my last attempt at it. The flower imagery is there, although it is a bit more subtle now. And I fixed the horse. Death is supposed to ride a pale horse, darn it.

Although the extreme close up nature of the card doesn't show it, Death is hanging out on the same curve of road that was used for The Chariot and The Wheel of Fortune. The message? Slow down on those tight turns or Death'll getcha!

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