Thursday, February 21, 2008

Episodes 368, 369, and 370

Read the comics here.

In addition to the bonus strip, today there's also strip. When I was writing the End of the World arc, I mis-numbered an entry, and thus had an extra Batman episode to share. Hope you don't mind.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Slight Delay

Sorry, everyone. I don't have today's material ready quite yet.

(We're redoing the bathroom in our house, and demolition of the old begins tomorrow morning. Getting everything out of the way took a lot longer than I had planned.)

I do have the photos taken - so I'll be able to catch up over the course of the day tomorrow. (Hooray for break time!) I may even (gasp) get a bit ahead of the publishing schedule.

Anyway, though some of you might be wondering what was up.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Episodes 244 and 245

Whoops. Read the episodes here:

I'm in DC this week providing technical support for a webconference - and while the T1 access at the event is nice, the "very low" strength wi-fi in my room is not. (Hence my spotty web presence this week.)

Anyway, about these two strips...

For those of you not familiar with the term "Golden Parachute", check out this wiki link. It should clear things up a bit.

No, not that "Plan B". The other one.

I'm not overly happy with the cast running around with guns - it's not really the feel I want for this strip. But in this case - storming corporate headquarters - it's hard not to go all Matrix on everything.

I think I've come up with a way to get around the Backstory plot loop of death I accidentally created - we'll see if Whiskey goes for it next week.

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